What matters and to whom?
Felberbaum Awards
The generosity of the Felberbaum Family Foundation has enabled the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute (UCHI) to offer a limited number of Felberbaum Family Faculty Awards to University of Connecticut faculty completing their UCHI fellowship year, since 2003. These competitive awards are offered to provide financial support for additional expenditures related to fellows’ projects. The awards are for UConn faculty Fellows only and suggest “the individual receiving the Award will be a recognized researcher, scholar and teacher and will have made significant contributions to the Institute.”
Felberbaum Awards
The generosity of the Felberbaum Family Foundation has enabled the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute (UCHI) to offer a limited number of Felberbaum Family Faculty Awards to University of Connecticut faculty completing their UCHI fellowship year, since 2003. These competitive awards are offered to provide financial support for additional expenditures related to fellows’ projects. The awards are for UConn faculty Fellows only and suggest “the individual receiving the Award will be a recognized researcher, scholar and teacher and will have made significant contributions to the Institute.”
2024 Felberbaum Award Recipients
Zehra Arat (Political Science) “Human Rights Norms in Turkey: Trends in Political Party and Government Discourses, 1920–2018”
Ana-María Díaz Marcos (LCL) “A Bundle of Antifascist Energy”
Katerina Gonzalez Seligmann (LCL) “Solidarity in Translation: Aimé Césiare and his Cuban Comrades in Art”
Serkan Görkemli (English) “You’re Always Welcome Here”
Martine Granby (Journalism) “Ten Seconds of Sugar”
Tracy Llanera (Philosophy) “The Misfits of Extremism”
Victor Zatsepine (History) “Unsettling the Sino-Mongol-Russian Borderlands”
Past Felberbaum Award Recipients
Meina Cai (Political Science) “The Art of Negotiations: Legal Discrimination, Contention Pyramid, and Land-Taking Compensation Policy in China”
Laura Mauldin (WGSS & HDFS) “For All We Care”
Micki McElya (History) “No More Miss America! How Protesting the 1968 Pageant Changed a Nation”
Fiona Vernal (History) “Hartford Bound: Mobility, Race, and Identity in Post-World War II America”
Sarah Willen (Anthropology) “Picturing the Pandemic: An Exhibition of Images from the Pandemic Journaling Project”
Sean Frederick Forbes (English) “Archaeological Revival: A Book of Poems”
Melanie Newport (History) “This is My Jail: Reform and Mass Incarceration in Chicago and Cook County”
Scott Wallace (Journalism) “The Bleeding Frontier: Indigenous Warriors in the Battle for the Amazon and Planet Earth”
Emma Amador (History and Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies) “Consenting Colonialism: Puerto Ricans and the Politics of Welfare in the 20th Century”
Alexander Anievas (Political Science) “Race to Rollback: Far-Right Power in America’s Global Cold War”
Andrea Celli (Literatures, Cultures and Languages) “Hagar the Outcast. Reappraisals of a Biblical Theme in the Context of Post-Tridentine Culture”
Debapriya Sarkar (English) “Possible Knowledge: The Literary Forms of Early Modern Science”
Nu-Anh Tran (History & Asian and Asian American Studies Institute) “Disunion: Anticommunist Nationalists in the Republic of Vietnam, 1954-1963
Dorit Bar-On (Philosophy) “Expression, Communication, and Origns of Meaning”
Lynne Tirrell (Philosophy) “Toxic Speech”
Ken Gouwens, (History) “A Translation of Paolo Giovio’s Elogia of Literati”
Jeffrey Ogbar, (History and Africana Studies Institute) “Becoming Atlanta: Political Power, Progress in the Capital of the New South”
Nancy Shoemaker, (History) “A History of Soap: Oils, Chemistry, and the Rise of the Global Composite”
Eleni Coundouriotis, (English) “The Hospital and the State: Readings in Anglophone Fiction”
Harry van der Hulst, (Linguistics) “It Means What you See (But You Have to Look for It)”
Anna Mae Duane, (English) “Strange Place Blues: The Unusual Education of Three African American Leaders.”
Mark Healey, (History) “Waterscapes of Power in the Dry Lands of Argentina, 1880-2000.”
Daniel Hershenzon, (Literatures, Cultures & Languages) “Captivity, Commerce, and Communication: Early Modern Spain and the Mediterranean”
Daniel Silvermint, (Philosophy) “Complicit Identities: The Ethics of Looking Out for Yourself.”
Christine Sylvester, (Political Science) “Objects of War: Whose Wars are on View?”
César Abadía-Barrero, (Anthropology) to continue research on the project entitled: “Health Ruins: From Post-Colonial to Post Neoliberal ‘Medical Care’ in Colombia.”
Frank Costigliola, (History) to continue research on the project entitled: “How Stifling Discussion Can Stoke Fear and War.”
Fakhreddin Azimi, (History) to continue research on the project entitled: “Secularizing Policies of Reza Shah Pahlavi.”
Frank Costigliola, (History) to continue research on the project entitled: “Beyond the Emotional Turn: The Cold War and George Keenan.”
Martha Cutter, (English) to continue research on the project entitled: “No Captive of the State: The Performance Art of Henry Box Brown.”
Fiona Somerset, (English) to continue research on the project entitled: "Medieval Theories of Consent.”
Peter Baldwin, (History) to continue research on the project entitled: “Intimacy and Piety in 19th-Centurey New England: The Troubled Life of Samuel Edward Warren.”
Robin Greeley, (Art & Art History) to continue research on the project entitled: “Between Campesino and State: photography, Rurality and Modernity in Twentieth-Century Mexico.”
Gregory Kneidel,(English) to continue research on the project entitled: “Officially Donne: Law and Equity in John Donne.” The Award is in the amount of $1,000 for scans of state documents in British repositories.
Christopher Clark, (History) for archival research at the Huntington Library relating to his book project,” The Age of Freehold: American ideas about Land and Farming from the Revolution to the Cold War.”
Mary Bercaw Edwards, (English& Maritime Studies) to continue her research at the Huntington Library in the Jack London Papers for her book project, “Sailor Talk: Labor,Utterance, and meaning in the Maritime Works of Herman Melville, Joseph Conrad, and Jack London.”
Gregory Semenza, (English) to continue his archival research at the British Film Institute, in London for his book project, “The History of British Literature on Film.”
Eleni Coundouriotis, (English) to purchase used-book copies of several African novels that are now out of print; the novels relate to the Nigerian civil war which she examines in her project “The People’s Right to the Novel”
Brendan Kane, (History) for a research trip to the Huntington Library to examine Edward Conway’s manuscripts in relation to his project “Knowledge and Legitimacy in Early Modern Ireland and England.”
Charles Mahoney, (English) for a research trip to the British Library to examine Coleridge manuscripts in relation to his project “Coleridge on Shakespeare.”
Gustavo Nanclares, (Modern and Classical Languages) for archival research in Spain, to assist his study of “War Film and the Film Wars: Mass Culture and the Political Imagery in Spain (1898-1939)”
Margo Machida, (Art and Art History) for archival research and personal interviews of artists in Hawai‘i to assist her study of “Resighting Hawai‘i: Global Flows and Island Imaginaries in Asian American and Native Hawaiian Art”
Kenneth Gouwens, (History) for archival research in London to assist his study of “Human Exceptionalism in the Renaissance”
Marcus Rossberg, (Philosophy) for assistance in proofreading Frege’s complex formal mathematical derivations as he prepares his book for publication. His UCHI project is entitled “Translation of G. Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (Basic Laws of Arithmetic)
Alexia Smith, (Anthropology) for assistance processing samples and a research text to complete an11- volume series specific to her field of research (Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island). Her UCHI project is entitled “Social Response to Climate Change: Exploring the Collapse of the Akkadian Empire”
Sharon Harris Annual Book Award
The Sharon Harris Annual Book Award is given for a monograph published by UConn Tenured, Tenure-Track, Emeritus, or In-Residence faculty that best demonstrates scholarly depth and intellectual acuity and highlights the importance of humanities scholarship. Winners will receive a research award of $1000–$2000. The award is named in honor of Professor Sharon Harris, who served as director of the UConn Humanities Institute from 2009 to 2014.
Book must have been published between January 1, 2022–December 31, 2024. E-publications, artist-authored books, digital humanities projects, and collaborative texts (where all authors are UConn faculty) will be accepted for review. Nominations are also encouraged.
The award committee will not consider exhibition catalogues, translations, collected essays, textbooks, or revised editions. Resubmissions are encouraged so long as the application criteria are met.
- Cover letter (no more than 2 pages) by author of book or by nominating UConn faculty explaining the value of the book to humanities scholarship
- PDF of book (supplied by author or nominator)
- Reviews, if available (supplied by author or nominator)
All materials must be received by: March 14, 2025
Send all e-materials (cover letter, PDF of book, and reviews) to: uchi@uconn.edu
Questions? Email: uchi@uconn.edu

Congratulations to the 2024 Winner and Honorable Mention
Debapriya Sarkar, Possible Knowledge: The Literary Forms of Early Modern Science (Penn Press, 2023)
Honorable Mention
Jason Chang and Alexis Dudden, The Cargo Rebellion: Those Who Chose Freedom (PM Press, 2023)
Past Sharon Harris Book Award Recipients
Assistant Professor Melanie D. Newport for her 2022 book, This is My Jail: Local Politics and the Rise of Mass Incarceration
Associate Professor Dimitris Xygalatas for his 2022 book, Ritual: How Seemingly Pointless Acts Make Life Worth Living
Honorable Mentions
Professor Martha Cutter for her 2022 book, The Many Resurrections of Henry Box Brown
Assistant Professor Nu-Anh Tran for her 2022 book, Disunion: Anticommunist Nationalism and the Making of the Republic of Vietnam
Professor Emeritus Robert A Gross for his 2021 book, The Transcendentalists and Their World
Honorable Mention
Professor Peter Zarrow for his 2021 book, Abolishing Boundaries: Global Utopias in the Formation of Modern Chinese Political Thought, 1880–1940
Associate Professor Grégory Pierrot for his 2019 book, The Black Avenger in Atlantic Culture.
Honorable Mention
Assistant Professor Ariel Mae Lambe for her 2019 book, No Barrier Can Contain It: Cuban Antifascism and the Spanish Civil War.
Assistant Professor Kathryn Blair Moore for her 2017 book, The Architecture of the Christian Holy Land: Reception from Late Antiquity through the Renaissance.
Associate Professor Hassanaly Ladha for his 2019 book, The Architecture of Freedom: Hegel, Subjectivity, and the Postcolonial State.
Associate Professor Anna Mae Duane for her 2020 book, Educated for Freedom: The Incredible Story of Two Fugitive Schoolboys Who Grew Up to Change a Nation.
Associate Professor Daniel Hershenzon for his 2018 book, The Captive Sea: Slavery, Communication, and Commerce in Early Modern Spain and the Mediterranean.
Professor Helen M. Rozwadowski for her 2019 book, Vast Expanses: A History of the Oceans.
Professor Anne C. Dailey for her 2017 book, Law and the Unconscious: A Psychoanalytic Perspective.
Associate Professor Micki McElya for her 2016 book, The Politics of Mourning: Death and Honor in Arlington National Cemetery.
Congratulations to the 2020 Winner and Finalists
Kathryn Blair Moore, The Architecture of the Christian Holy Land: Reception from Late Antiquity through the Renaissance (Cambridge University Press, 2017)
Hassanaly Ladha, The Architecture of Freedom: Hegel, Subjectivity, and the Postcolonial State (Bloomsbury, 2020)
Anna Mae Duane, Educated for Freedom: The Incredible Story of Two Fugitive Schoolboys Who Grew Up to Change a Nation (NYU Press, 2020)