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Humanities Toolkit

As part of our faculty success initiative, UCHI has created a humanities toolkit—a series of guides to help humanities researchers produce and disseminate their scholarship. From how to find grant opportunities, to how to launch a podcast, these guides support humanities scholars who want to take their work to the next level.

Return to this page to find more tools as they are added.

A Guide to Humanities Funding

How do you find grants and fellowships to fund your research? Where do you find resources to help you write the strongest possible grant application? This guide has answers to those questions and more.

A Guide to Podcasting

Are you considering producing a podcast related to your scholarly expertise, but don't know where to start? This guide is for you!

A Guide to Op-Ed Writing

Op-eds are one way that scholars can reach an audience beyond the academy and demonstrate the relevance of their research. This guide offers resources for scholars interested in disseminating their informed, expert opinions on news items or other topics of conversation.