Leaving a Legacy of Impact

Former Fellows Spotlight

Through its annual residential fellowships, the Humanities Institute (UCHI) provides an interdisciplinary environment in which junior and senior scholars from around the world come together to think, collaborate, and write. The impact of this opportunity not only shapes the creative mind of our fellows during their residency, but also informs their scholastic contributions long #afterUCHI.

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Jason Oliver Chang headshot

Jason Oliver Chang

Congratulations to 2018–2019 faculty fellow Jason Oliver Chang who has been recognized for exemplary service to UConn with the 2022 Provost’s Outstanding Service Award. Jason was lauded in nomination materials for superb teaching, widely respected scholarship, and leadership of the Asian and Asian American Studies Institute (AAASI). He has played a major role in efforts to improve awareness of racial injustice and to enhance diversity and inclusion

All Former Fellows


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Jordan Camp
American Studies, Trinity College
“The Southern Question”

Alexander Diener
Geography, University of Kansas
“The Middle of Somewhere: Place Attachment and the Geographies of Being”

Birgit Brander Rasmussen
English, Binghamton University SUNY
“Signs of Resistance, Signs of Resurgence: Indigenous Literacies, New Media, and Anti-Colonial Imaginaries in Native American Literature and Culture”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat
Political Science
“Human Rights Norms in Turkey”

Ana María Díaz-Marcos
“‘A Fistful of Antifascist Energy’: Ernestina González Fleischman’s Biography and Writings”

Katerina Gonzalez Seligmann
LCL & El Instituto
“Solidarity in Translation: Aimé Césaire and His Cuban Comrades in Art”

Serkan Görkemli
“You’re Always Welcome Here, a Book of Short Stories”

Martine Granby
UCHI Faculty of Color Working Group Fellow
“Ten Seconds of Sugar”

Oscar Guerra
“Documenting Migration”

Tracy Llanera
“The Misfits of Extremism”

Richard Ashby Wilson
Law, Anthropology, & Human Rights
“United Against Hate? Punishing Bias Crimes in the United States”

Victor Zatsepine
“Unsettling the Sino-Mongol-Russian Borderlands, 1911–1945”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Kathryn Angelica
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“An Uneasy Alliance: Cooperation and Conflict in Nineteenth Century Black and White Women’s Activism”

David L. Evans
“Hunger for Rights: Establishing the Human Right to Food, 1930–1988”

Geoffrey Hedges-Knyrim
“Political Power during the Iron Age of the Southern Levant Through the Lens of Agricultural Production”

Xu Peng
Richard Brown Dissertation Fellow
“From History to the Future: Chineseness in Contemporary Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Dominican Literatures and Cultures”

Undergraduate Research Fellows

Breanna Bonner
“‘The Space Between Black and Liberation’: Analyzing Black Women’s Experiences of Intersectional Invisibility Within Liberation Movements”
Project advisor: Evelyn M. Simien

Anabelle S. Bergstrom
“Minds Among Minds: A Pragmatist View of the Social and Spiritual Self in a Hyperconnected World”
Project advisor: Julian J. Schlöder

Brent Freed
“Vietnam in Their Factories: Immigrant Workers and the Global South During May 1968”
Project advisor: Elizabeth Della Zazzera

Nathan Howard
“Homofascism: The Queering of Hate”
Project advisor: Tracy Llanera

Honorable mentions:
Gianna Socci, “Monstrosity on Trial: Claiming Legal Personhood for Frankenstein’s Monster”


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Joseph Darda
English, Texas Christian University
“The Naturals: How Sports Make Race in America”

Kareem Khalifa
Philosophy, UCLA
Future of Truth Fellow
“Segregation and Social Inquiry”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Hind Ahmed Zaki
Political Science & LCL
“The Price of Inclusion: Feminist Politics in the Shadow of the Arab Spring”

Heather Cassano
“The Fate of Human Beings”

Cornelia Dayton
“John Peters, A Life”

Anna Mae Duane
“Like a Slave: Slavery’s Appropriation from The American Revolution to QAnon”

Sandy Grande
Political Science & Native American and Indigenous Studies
“Indigenous Elders and Aging”

Stefan Kaufmann
“What was, what will be, and what would have been”

Hassanaly Ladha
“Solomon and the Caliphate of Man”

Elva Orozco Mendoza
Political Science & WGSS
UCHI Faculty of Color Working Group Fellow
“The Maternal Contract”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Julia Brush
Richard Brown Dissertation Fellow
“State/Less Aesthetics: Queer Cartographies, Transnational Terrains, and Refugee Poetics”

Yuhan Liang
“Confucian Exemplarism and Moral Diversity”

Britney Murphy
“Outsiders Within: Volunteers in Service to America and the Boundaries of Citizenship, 1962–1971”

Shihan Zheng
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“The Opium Discourse in China, 1830–1910”

Undergraduate Research Fellows

Karen Lau
“Soup Dumplings for the Soul: Ethnic Studies and Social-Emotional Learning”
Project advisor: Jason Oliver Chang and Grace Player

Rylee Thomas
The Ghostly Dynasty: Victim-Blaming, the Gothic Novel, and the Modern True-Crime Drama”
Project advisor: Ellen Litman

Honorable mentions:
Kathryn Atkinson, “Cenabis Bene: A Culinary Odyssey through Apicius”
Monika Rydzewski, “Look at the Screen!: Merging Media with Gossip”


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Sherie M. Randolph
History, Georgia Institute of Technology
“‘Bad’ Black Mothers: A History of Transgression”

Shiloh Whitney
Philosophy, Fordham University
“Emotional Labor: Affective Economies and Affective Injustice”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Meina Cai
Political Science
“The Art of Negotiations: Legal Discrimination, Contention Pyramid, and Land Rights Development in China”

Haile Eshe Cole
“Belly: Topographies of Black Reproduction”

Shardé M. Davis
UCHI/Mellon Faculty Fellow
“Being #BlackintheIvory: Contending with Racism in the American University”

Prakash Kashwan
Political Science
“Rooted Radicalism: Transformative Change for Food, Energy, Water, and Environmental Justice in an Age of Climate Change”

Laura Mauldin
“For All We Care”

Micki McElya
“No More Miss America! How Protesting the 1968 Pageant Changed a Nation”

Kathryn Blair Moore
Art and Art History
“The Other Space of the Arabesque: Italian Renaissance Art at the Limits of Representation”

Fiona Vernal
“Hartford Bound: Mobility, Race, and Identity in the Post-World War II Era (1940-2020)”

Sarah S. Willen
Future of Truth Fellow
“‘Chronicling the Meantime’: Creating a Book about the Pandemic Journaling Project”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Erik Freeman
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“The Mormon International: Communitarian Politics and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1830-1890”

Carol Gray
Political Science
“Law as Politics by Other Means: An Egyptian Case Study as a Template for Human Rights Reform”

Drew Johnson
“A Hybrid Theory of Ethical Thought and Discourse”

Anna Ziering
“Dirty Forms: Masochism and the Revision of Power in Multi-Ethnic U.S. Literature and Culture”


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Erica Holberg
“The Pleasures of Anger: Insights from Aristotle and Kant on Getting Mad, Staying Mad, and Doing This With Others”

David Samuels
Music, New York University
“Early Folk World: Music, Industrial Modernity, and the Anguish of Community in the 20th Century”

Amy Meyers
Luce Foundation Future of Truth Fellow
“William Bartram and the Origins of American Environmental Thought”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Elizabeth Athens
Art History
“Figuring a World: William Bartram’s Natural History”

Amanda J. Crawford
“The Sky is Crying: The Sandy Hook Shooting and the Battle for Truth”

Sean Frederick Forbes
UCHI/Mellon Faculty Fellow
English & Creative Writing
“Archaeological Revival: A Book of Poems”

Melanie Newport
“This is My Jail: Reform and Mass Incarceration in Chicago and Cook County”

Helen M. Rozwadowski
“Science as Frontier: History Hidden in Plain Sight”

Sara Silverstein
History & Human Rights
“Toward Global Health: A History of International Collaboration”

Scott Wallace
“The Bleeding Frontier: Indigenous Warriors in the Battle for the Amazon and Planet Earth”

Sarah Winter
“The Right to a Remedy: Habeas Corpus, Empire, and Human Rights Narratives”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Nicole Breault
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“The Night Watch of Boston: Law and Governance in Eighteenth-Century British America”

Kerry Carnahan
“Song of Songs: A New Translation with Commentary”

Ashley P. Gangi
“May I Present Myself? Masks, Masquerades, and the Drama of Identity in Nineteenth Century American Literature”

Shaine Scarminach
“‘Lost at Sea’: The United States and the Struggle to Govern the World’s Oceans”


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Kornel Chang
History, Rutgers University
“The Lost Dreams of Liberation: A Story of Decolonization in U.S.-Occupied Korea, 1945–1948”

Daniel Cohen
History, Case Western Reserve University
“Burning the Charlestown Convent: Private Lives, Public Outrage, and Contested Memories in America’s Civil War Generation”

Joseph Ulatowski
Philosophy, University of Waikato, New Zealand
“Why Facts Matter: Pluralism about Facts in the Age of Fake News”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Emma Amador
History & El Instituto
“Consenting Colonialism: Puerto Ricans and the Politics of Welfare in the 20th Century”

Alexander Anievas
Political Science
“Race to Rollback: Far-Right Power in America’s Global Cold War”

Andrea Celli
Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
“Hagar the Outcast: Reappraisals of a Biblical Theme in the Context of Post-Tridentine Culture”

Patricia Morgne Cramer
“What Are the Wild Waves Saying: Virginia Woolf, Bloomsbury, and the Public Schools”

Debapriya Sarkar
“Possible Knowledge: The Literary Forms of Early Modern Science”

Nu-Anh Tran
History & Asian and Asian American Studies Institute
“Disunion: Anticommunist Nationalists in the Republic of Vietnam, 1954–1963”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Nathan Braccio
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“Parallel Landscapes: Algonquian and English Spatial Understandings of New England, 1500–1700”

Laura Godfrey
“Writing National Tragedies: Race and Disability in Contemporary U.S. Literature and Culture”

Hayley Stefan
“‘Be Wholly Out of Body’: Astonishment in Late Medieval English Literature”

Jessica Strom
“Financing Revolution: Adriano Lemmi and the Struggle for Italian Unification”


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Katherine Rye Jewell
“Live from the Underground: College Radio in the Era of the Culture Wars”

Jonathan E. Robins
Global History
“Oil Palm:  a Global History of an African Tree”

ACLS Burkhardt Visiting Fellow

 Katherine Grandjean
“In the Kingdom of Devils: The Harpe Murders and the Legacies of the American Revolution”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Dorit Bar-On
“Expression, Communication, and Origins of Meaning”

Jason Oliver Chang
History/Asian American Studies
“Shore Leave:  Asian Sailors, Maritime Culture, and the Making of Greater Asian America”

Dexter J. Gabriel
“Jubilee’s Experiment:  The British West Indies and American Abolitionism.”

Ellen Litman
“Love Lesson:  Coming of Age in the Post-Perestroika Russia”

Stuart S. Miller
Literatures, Cultures and Languages
“From Temple to Home to Community:  The Survival and Transformation of Ancient Jewish Life in the Wake of Catastrophe.”

 Lynne Tirrell
“Toxic Speech”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Aimee Loiselle
“Creating Norma Rae:  The Erasure of Puerto Rican Needleworkers and Southern Labor Activists in the Making of a Neoliberal Icon.”

Amy Sopcak-Joseph
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“Fashioning American Women: Godey’s Lady’s Book, Female Consumers, and Periodical Publishing in the Nineteenth Century.”

Adrian Stegovec
“Why only person?  The exceptionality of person in syntax and its interfaces.”

Humility and Conviction in Public Life Fellows

Richard Frieder (fall 2018)
“Employing Dialogue and Deliberation to Foster Humility and Achieve Community Driven Change in Hartford”

 Maxime LePoutre (spring 2019)
“Ignorance and Democratic Speech:  Understanding the Challenge Ignorance Poses for Inclusive Deliberation”

William McMillan (fall 2018)
“Mapping the Potential Limits of Epistemic Humility and Conviction within an Influential Evangelical Christian Tradition”

Lani Watson (spring 2019)
“Educating for good questioning as a form of intellectual humility”


Distinguished Visiting Fellow

Jill Lepore
American History, Harvard University

UCHI Visiting Scholars

Deirdre Bair
English & Comparative Literature
“Bio/Memoir: The Accidental Biographer”

Rebecca Gould
Comparative Literature & Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, University of Birmingham
“Narrating Catastrophe: Forced Migration from Colonialism to Postcoloniality in the Caucasus”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Eleni Coundouriotis
“The Hospital and the State: Readings in Anglophone Fiction”

Ruth Glasser
Urban Studies & History
“Brass City, Grass Roots: The Persistence of Farming in Industrial Waterbury, CT, 1870–1980”

Kenneth Gouwens
“A Translation of Paolo Giovio’s Elogia of Literati”

Jeffrey O.G. Ogbar
“Becoming Atlanta: Political Power, Progress in the Capital of the New South”

Nancy Shoemaker
“A History of Soap: Oils, Chemistry, and the Rise of the Global Composite”

Harry van der Hulst
“It Means What you See (But You Have to Look for It)”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Sarah Berry
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“The Politics of Voice in Twentieth-Century Poetic Drama”

Laura Wright
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“Prizing Difference: PEN Awards and Multiculturalist Politics in American Fiction”

Jorell Meléndez-Badillo
“The Lettered Barriada: Puerto Rican Workers’ Intellectual Community, 1897-1933”

Alycia LaGuardia-LoBianco
“Action-Guidance in Complicated Cases of Suffering”

Humility and Conviction in Public Life Fellows

James R. Beebe (Spring 2018)
University of Buffalo
“Humble Conviction in the Face of Peer Disagreement”

Richard Frieder (Spring 2018)
Community Capacity Builders
“Employing Dialogue and Deliberation to Foster Humility and Achieve Community Driven Change in Hartford”

Tracy Llanera (Fall 2017)
Macquarie University
“Combatting Egotism: Intellectual Humility as Self-Enlargement”

Ufuk Topkara (Fall 2017)
Islamic Theology
University of Paderborn
“The Convergence of Reason and Faith: Breaking Through the Fabricated Barriers to Discourse and Truth”


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Robert T. Chase
History, Stony Brook University
“Civil Rights on the Cell Block: Prisoners’ Rights Movements and the Construction of Carceral States, 1945–1995”

Leo J. Garofalo
History, Connecticut College
“Forging a Place in the Spanish Empire: Black European Sailors, Soldiers, and Traders to the Americas”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Anna Mae Duane
“Strange Place Blues: The Unusual Education of Three African American Leaders”

Mark Healey
“Waterscapes of Power in the Dry Lands of Argentina, 1880–2000”

Daniel Hershenzon
Literatures, Cultures & Languages
“Captivity, Commerce, and Communication: Early Modern Spain and the Mediterranean”

Daniel Silvermint
Philosophy and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program
“Complicit Identities: The Ethics of Looking Out for Yourself”

Christine Sylvester
Political Science and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program
“Objects of War: Whose Wars Are on View?"

Dimitris Xygalatas
“Homo Ritualis: Extreme Rituals as Social Technologies”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Jeffrey R. Egan
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“Watershed Decisions: The Environmental History of the Quabbin Reservoir, 1880–1940”

Melanie Meinzer
Political Science
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“Contested Consciousness: Foreign Aid and Palestinian Education in the West Bank and Jordan”

George Moore
“The Return of Dagon: Failed Iconoclasm in Early Modern English Literature”

Fabiana Viglione
Literatures, Cultures and Languages
“The Sale of Parga in the Nationalist Imaginary of 19th Century Italy: 1819–1858”


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Peter Constantine
Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
“Translation and Annotation of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Autobiography, Between the Millstones

Joshua Schechter
Philosophy, Brown University
“Reasoning and Rationality: The Epistemology of our Most Basic Patterns of Inference”

UConn Faculty Fellows

César Abadía-Barrero
“Health Ruins: From Post-Colonial to Post Neoliberal ‘Medical Care’ in Columbia”

Susan Einbinder
Literatures, Cultures & Languages
“Eleh Ezkerah: Trauma and Medieval Jewish Literature”

Hassanaly Ladha
Literatures, Cultures & Languages
“The Idea of Africa: Hegel, Architecture, and the Political Subject”

Diane Lillo-Martin
“Sign Language Acquisition: Archiving and Sharing”

Natalie Munro
“A 30,000 Year History of Human Foraging and Farming in the Aegean: The View from Franchthi Cave, Greece”

Brad Simpson
“The First Right: Self Determination and the Transformation of International Politics”

Peter Zarrow
“The Utopian Impulse in Modern Chinese Political Thought, 1890–1940”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Joanna A. MacGugan
“Competing Authorities and Contested Spaces: Dying in Dublin in the Reign of Edward I”

Christiana Salah
“The Popular Invention of the Victorian Governess, 1815-2015”

Hilary Bogert-Winkler
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“Prayerful Protest and Clandestine Conformity: Alternative Liturgies and the Book of Common Prayer in Interregnum England”

Allison B. Horrocks
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“‘The Family and the Home as the Nursery of Humanity’: Flemmie Kittrell and the International Politics of Home Economics”


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Rachel L. Greenblatt
History, Harvard University
“‘A Beautiful and Costly Procession’: Jewish Street in Imperial Celebration—Prague and Frankfurt Festivities on the Birth of a Habsburg Crown Prince (1716)”

Joseph McAlhany
Classics, Carthage College
“Collected Fragments of M. Terentius Varro, Text & Translation, with Accompanying Monograph”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Fakhreddin Azimi
“The Ascendancy of Khomeini: Illusions of secularity and rise of political Islam”

Frank Costigliola
“Kennan and Russia”

Martha J. Cutter
“Picturing Slavery: Illustrated Books and the Visual Culture of the Transatlantic Abolition Movement, 1820–1855”

Jeffrey R. Dudas
Political Science
“Regeneration through Rights: Law, Family, and the Making of Modern American Conservatism”

Fiona Somerset
“The Implications of Consent”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Gordon Fraser
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“American Cosmologies: Race and Revolution in the Nineteenth Century”

Christina Henderson
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“Cities of the Future: Literary Utopias, World's Fairs, and the Making of American Progressivism”

Beata Moskal
“Universals in Morphology and Morpho-Phonology”

Lucía García Santana
Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
“Transatlantic Intellectual Meridian: Spain in the Configuration of the Argentinean Field of Cultural Production”


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Mohammed Albakry
English & Applied Linguistics, Middle Tennessee State University
“The Tahir Plays: Dramatic Texts from the Egyptian Revolution”

Nicola McDonald
Medieval Studies, University of York, UK
“Fictions of Audacity: Middle English Romance and the Medieval Imagination”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Peter C. Baldwin
“Intimacy and Piety in Nineteenth Century New England: The Troubled Life of Samuel Edward Warren”

Kelly Dennis
Art History
"Desert Exposures: Aesthetics and Politics in Postwar Arizona Highways Magazine and the West"

Robin Adèle Greeley
Art History
“Between Campesino and State: Photography, Rurality, and Modernity in 20th Century Mexico”

Robert Gross
"The Transcendentalists and Their World"

Gregory Kneidel
“Donne’s Satires and Early Modern Equity”

Sarah Willen
“Renegade Moralities: Illegality, Exclusion, and Existential Struggle among African and Filipino Migrants in Israel”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Brandon Hawk
Medieval Studies
“Apocryphal Narratives in Old English Sermon Collections”

Michael Hughes
“The Epistemic Roles of Formal Coherence”

Jessica Linker
Draper Dissertation Fellow
“‘It is my wish to behold Ladies among my hearers’: Early American Women and Scientific Practice, 1720–1860”


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio
Italian & Cinema Studies, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
“Amorous Visions: Fluid Sexual Moments in Italian Cinema”

Simon Yarrow
Medieval History, University of Birmingham, UK
“A Cultural Ethnography of the Cult of Relics in Twelfth and Thirteenth Century England”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Mary K. Bercaw Edwards
English & Maritime Studies
“Sailor Talk: Utterance, Labor, and Meaning in the Maritime World”

Adrienne Macki Braconi
Dramatic Arts
“Staging Ground: Harlem’s Theatre, National Identity and Community, 1925–1948”

Mary Burke
“‘White Irish?’ A Cultural History of the Scots-Irish”

Christopher Clark
“The Age of Freehold: American Ideas about Land and Farming from the Revolution to the Cold War”

Gregory M. Colón Semenza
“The History of British Literature on Film: 1895–2010”

Sebastian Wogenstein
Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
“Prophets and Heretics: Human Rights and the German Literary Imagination”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Anthony Antonucci
Dean's Dissertation Award
“Americans and the Mezzogiorno: United States Relations with the Regno delle Due Sicilie from Thomas Jefferson to Herman Melville, 1783–1861”

Jeremy DeAngelo
Medieval Studies
“Proper Conduct: Good Journeys in the Literature of the Medieval North Atlantic”

Antonio Guijarro-Donadios
Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
“‘Comical Spaces’: Everyday Practices in 17th-Century Urban Short Plays”

Mary Isbell
Dean's Dissertation Award
“Amateurs: Home, Shipboard, and Public Theatricals in the Nineteenth Century”

Pamela Longo
Dean's Dissertation Award
Medieval Studies
“As Olde Stories Tellen Us: Telling Tales and Framing Stories in Late Medieval Public Culture”

Linda Meditz
Dean's Dissertation Award
“God’s Captive: Piety and Ministry in the Life and Diary of Stephen Williams”


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Phyllis Cole
Pennsylvania State University
“The Afterlife of Margaret Fuller: Legacies in Transatlantic Feminism”

Melissa Homestead
University of Nebraska
“The Creative Partnership of Willa Cather and Edith Lewis”

Simon Yarrow
Universitas 21 Humanities Fellow
University of Birmingham
“A Cultural Ethnography of the Cult of Relics in Twelfth and Thirteenth Century England”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Eleni Coundouriotis
“The People's Right to the Novel: War Fiction in the Postcolony”

Brendan Kane
“Knowledge and the Legitimacy of Power in England and Ireland, 1500–1700”

Charles Mahoney
“Coleridge on Shakespeare”

Matthew McKenzie
“A History of Denial: Cultural Representation and Environmental Catastrophe on Georges Bank, 1872–1945”

Christopher Vials
“Dissonant Antifascism: The Political Left and the Idea of Fascism in U.S. Culture”

Janet Watson
“Telling War Stories: The Second World War in Postwar Britain”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Lindy Brady
Dean’s Dissertation Award

Omar Hassan Dphrepaulezz
Dean’s Dissertation Award

Alea Henle

Oliver Hiob
10th Anniversary Dissertation Fellow

Paul Silva

Patricia Taylor


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Anne Lambright

Joanne Melish

UConn Faculty Fellows

Emma Gilligan
“Zachistka: from Metallurgy to Human Cleansing”

Kenneth Gouwens
“Human Exceptionalism in the Renaissance”

Margo Machida
Art and Art History
“Resighting Hawai‘i: Global Flows and Island Imaginaries in Asian American and Native Hawaiian Art”

Gustavo Nanclares
Modern and Classical Languages
“War Film and the Film Wars: Mass Culture and the Political Imaginary in Spain (1898-1939)”

Marcus Rossberg
“Translation of G. Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (Basic Laws of Arithmetic)”

Alexia Smith
“Social Response to Climate Change: Exploring the Collapse of the Akkadian Empire”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Asha Leena Bhandary
Dean’s Dissertation Award

Miloje Despić

Michael Neagle


UCHI Visiting Scholar

Naeem Murr
Creative Writing, Fiction
“Welcome to the Hotel of Strangers”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Clare Eby
"Until Choice Do Us Part: The Theory and Practice of Marriage in the Progressive Era"

Glen MacLeod
"Authenticity in American Art and Literature: From Casts and Copies to the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”

Janet L. Pritchard
Art and Art History
“Views from Wonderland, an artists' book”

Glenn Stanley
“Fidelio and the Modern German Identity: Criticism and Performance of a National Cultural Icon”

Jennifer Terni
Modern and Classical Languages
“Elements of Mass Society: Paris 1830-1848”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Jennifer Lynn Holley
“The Child Elegy”

Sherry L. Zane
“The Politics of Sex, Scandals and Progressive Reform in Newport, Rhode Island, 1917–1921”


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Barbara Fultner

Stuart Leibman

UConn Faculty Fellows

Amanda Bailey

Jonathan D. Bobaljik

Rosa Helena Chinchilla

Jeremy Pressman

Helen Rozwadowski

Nancy Shoemaker

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Brian D. Carroll

Catherine Thompson


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Robert Bonner

Jennifer Travis

UConn Faculty Fellows

Joel Blatt

Paul Bloomfield

Mary Crawford

Sharon Harris

Brenda Murphy

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Katherine O’Sullivan

Andrew Pfrenger


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Michelle Bigenho

Sally O’Driscoll

UConn Faculty Fellows

Jacqueline Campbell

Anke Finger

Robin Greeley

Michael P. Lynch

Mark Overmyer-Velazquez

Guanhua Wang

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Jennie-Rebecca Falcetta

James Luberda


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Keith Brown
“Manifest Loyalties: The Routes of Modern Nationalism”

Pratima Prasad
“The French Romantic Novel and the Poetics of Race”

UConn Faculty Fellows

Cornelia Dayton
“Self and Sanity in Pre-Asylum New England”

Robert Hasenfratz
“Walking as Social Practice in Late Medieval England”

Benjamin Liu
“The Moor’s Treasure: Interfaith Economies in Early Spanish Literature”

Osvaldo Pardo
“Between Law and Religion: Honor in Early Colonial Latin America”

Altina Waller
“Margaret Eaton, Sexuality and Empowerment in Jacksonian America”

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Aparna Gollapudi
“The Reform Plot in English Comedy, 1696–1747”

Carolyn Schwarz
“Why Does ‘Religion’ Matter?: Power, Identity, and Daily Life in a Yolgnu Community, Australia”


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Elisabeth Frost

Peg O’Connor

UConn Faculty Fellows

Fakhreddin Azimi

John Davis

Jean Marsden

Sherri Olson

V. Penelope Pelizzon

Janet Watson

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Andreas Prieto

Chandra Wells


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Cynthia Macdonald

Sonya Stephens

UConn Faculty Fellows

Peter Baldwin

Rae Beth Gordon

Kenneth Gouwens

Joel Kupperman

Michael Orwicz

Sylvia Schafer

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Charles McGraw

Timothy Nulty


UCHI Visiting Scholars

Christopher Clark

Fred C. Inglis

UConn Faculty Fellows

Susan Porter Benson

Frank Costigliola

Anne D’Alleva

Anita Garey

Margaret Gilbert

Ross Miller

UConn Dissertation Research Scholars

Jonathan Carlyon

Jennifer Spinner

Fellows Reel

Nicole Breault headshotAparna GollapudiFabiana Viglione headshot.Anna Ziering headshotLucía, García-SantanaMichael NeagleMiloje DespicAlea Henle's headshot wearing a blue dress, a black cardigan against a black backgroundBritney Murphy headshotHeadshot of Asha BhandaryJorell, Meléndez-Badillo

Recent Books

Architecture of Freedom book
We are Not Slaves
Parisian Lives
Fighting for Dignity
Book cover: Staging the Lyric: Modern and Contemporary Experiments with Verse Drama by Sarah Berry
Book cover of Live from the Underground A History of College Radio By Katherine Rye Jewell
Book cover: Beyond Norma Rae How Puerto Rican and Southern White Women Fought for a Place in the American Working Class by Aimee Loiselle
Book Cover of A Mind for Language by Harry van der Hulst