Thriving at every career stage

The Faculty Success Initiative

This faculty success initiative seeks to support faculty members at every stage of their careers, with particular emphasis on supporting faculty at the Associate Professor rank as they move forward in their work as scholars and leaders. As of 2024, one faculty fellowship each year will be designated for a faculty member at the Associate Professor rank so that they can complete their next research project. We also offer a book manuscript workshop for Associate Professors, as well as a host of supportive programming on career self-assessment, time management, and publication strategies.

UCHI is committed to supporting all Humanities faculty as scholars, as creators, and as members of the community. This initiative provides opportunities for collaboration, coaching, and camaraderie for faculty at every stage of their career. Check this space often for new offerings!

Anna Mae Duane, Director, UCHI


The Faculty Success Initiative hosts supportive programming on career self-assessment, time management, publication strategies, and more.

2024–25 Events

Getting the Grant Started: Turning Ideas into Action

part of the Incubator for Collaborative Grants Series
September 26, 2024, 2:00pm–4:00pm, UCHI Conference Room

How to Write Successful Fellowship Applications

October 11, 1:00pm, Virtual
Are you planning to apply for a UCHI fellowship, or other fellowship in the humanities or social sciences? Join us for an advice panel on writing successful fellowship applications!

This panel discussion will feature advice from past and present UCHI fellows Yohei Igarashi, Laura Mauldin, and Anna Ziering, who have all been successful in their applications for different kinds of fellowships. Please be sure to bring along the first page of a draft of your own proposal (even in the very early stages) for workshopping and feedback.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to sign up for a fellowship application peer review group.

2023–24 Events

Dealing with Resistance: When Research Time is Hard to Use

with Jane Elliot
October 20, 2023, 1:00pm–3:00pm, Virtual
From single hours carved out of the teaching week to hard-won sabbatical leaves, finding time for research can feel like an achievement in itself for most academics. Because we strive and strategize to create this time, it’s particularly frustrating when we still can’t seem to use it the way we want. At the very moment we finally have the brain space to start reading or writing, we often find ourselves doing something else instead. If you’ve experienced this dynamic, you know it can feel almost like an out-of-body experience. One minute, you’re reviewing the chapter outline you drafted months ago, the next you’re in your email replying to a message about committee work that could definitely wait. Although this dynamic feels mysterious, what’s actually happening is very concrete and technical. There’s a specific feedback loop that gets created between our sense of how precious and rare this time is, and our resistance to using it fully. It comes down to the expectations, thoughts and feelings we bring to these moments—all of which can be changed. In this workshop, I’m going to explain exactly how this feedback loop gets activated, what its component parts are, and how to dismantle them so you can use your research time with ease. Although you won’t need to share any of your personal reflections with the group if you don’t want to, you will have time to practice with tools and bank some progress in real time. Along the way, you’ll learn:

  • Why this resistance can’t be resolved via time-management techniques (spoiler alert: it’s not because you’re not trying hard enough!)
  • How the perception of time-scarcity and urgency actually create resistance
  • When enforcing strict research goals backfires and why
  • Why understanding resistance as ‘procrastination’ isn’t helpful
  • How to reframe your relationship to research time in a way that will actually work.

Jane Elliott is a professor of contemporary literature at King’s College London, a coach and a writer. Her coaching practice grew from her experience mentoring students and junior colleagues. She specializes in helping smart people get out of their own way.

Writing a Successful Grant or Fellowship Application

November 2, 2023, 2:00pm, Virtual
This panel discussion will feature advice from UCHI alums who occupy the ranks senior faculty, mid career faculty and junior faculty in the humanities who have been successful in writing grant and fellowship proposals. Please be sure to bring along the first page of a draft of your own proposal (even in the very early stages) for workshopping and feedback.

Find Your Productivity Style—and Make Everything Easier: An Online Workshop

with Jane Elliot
March 1, 2023, 12:00pm, Virtual

The usual productivity advice asks you to fit into a top-down mold that is pre-designed for a specific kind of brain. But not all of us actually work best that way, including vast numbers of neurotypical people. In this 1-hour workshop, we'll toss out the unhelpful productivity rules and focus on the actual ways that different brains work best. We'll identify your productivity style, understand its unique powers, and make it work even better for you.


UConn Faculty are encouraged to apply for UCHI funding to support their research and scholarly interests. UCHI funds invited speakers, conferences, research, working groups, and book subventions.

We also fund book manuscript workshops, which offer a structured environment for the refinement of a CLAS faculty members book-in-progress. UCHI will provide up to $4,000, plus administrative support, for a Manuscript Workshop with the UConn author, two invited outside scholars, and (if the candidate desires) UConn colleagues whose feedback would be useful.

The Humanities Toolkit

The Humanities Toolkit offers a series of guides to help humanities researchers produce and disseminate their scholarship. From how to find grant opportunities, to how to launch a podcast, these guides support humanities scholars who want to take their work to the next level.


Each year, UCHI offers residential fellowships for UConn faculty. As part of our mid-career faculty success initiative, one fellowship each year will be awarded to a faculty member who has held the rank of Associate Professor for at least five years. We also offer one Justice, Equity, and Repair (JER) fellowship each year, which is intended for full-time UConn faculty members whose research addresses the persistence of bias and inequities and/or offers novel approaches to raising awareness of or reflection on questions of justice, equity, and repair. Applications for all faculty fellowships are due February 1.