Publishing NOW:George Thompson

George Thompson, CLAS Publisher-in-Residence Visit to UConn,
October 23-26


George Thompson will be returning to campus October 23-26 to continue the CLAS publisher-in-residence program, thanks to the support of Dean Davita Silfen Glasberg, UConn Humanities Institute, and Ken Foote of the Department of Geography.


George has visited UConn regularly since 2015.  His visits are aimed at helping colleagues with their publishing projects. George is particular good at helping faculty develop book projects, but can help with all aspects of academic publishing across a wide range of fields.


George will be available for both group and one-on-one meetings.


If you would like to set a time for faculty in your department to meet with George, please contact Stephanie Beron at or (860) 486-3656 to schedule an appointment.


Available times are listed online at


If you haven’t had a chance to meet, George has been a professional editor since 1984, beginning his career at Johns Hopkins University Press as an acquisitions editor. At JHUP, George developed the geography and environmental studies list, including the “Creating the North American Landscape” series.  In 1990, George founded the Center for American Places, which he directed and served as publisher until November 2010, when he founded his own imprint. Books developed and published under George’s care have won more than 100 book awards, honors, and prizes, including best-book recognition in 31 academic fields.  George is also the editor, co-editor or author of five books of his own and has served as publisher-in-residence at a number of universities. More information is available here


New article published by Eleni Coundouriotis, Professor, Department of English

Rohingya Muslim children, who crossed over from Myanmar into Bangladesh, struggles to keep in queue due to pushing as they wait for their turn to collect meals distributed to children and women by Turkish aid agency at Thaingkhali refugee camp, Bangladesh, Friday, Oct. 20, 2017. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin)

Our fellow from 2017-2018, Eleni Coundouriotis, Professor, Department of English has had a new article published.
Read here:


Publishing NOW: Viet Thanh Nguyen

On April 10, 2018, UCHI Director Michael P. Lynch interviewed Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times best-selling author Viet Thanh Nguyen for the final event of the 2017-2018 Publishing NOW series ( ). Nguyen was at UConn as part of the UConn Reads program( and kindly found time to swing by UCHI and talk to faculty and students about his books, navigating the publishing world , finding time for creativity, and the role of the public intellectual. It was a lively dialogue and a fantastic way to end a year of brilliant conversation about the current state of publishing, ideas, politics, and the humanities.

The Cambridge History of Ireland

The Cambridge History of Ireland

General Editor: Thomas Bartlett


FOR RELEASE on 30 April 2018


Announcing a landmark survey of Irish history from c.600 to the present day


Written by a team of more than 100 leading historians from around the world, this is the most comprehensive and authoritative history of Ireland yet attempted


Vibrant, comprehensive, and accessible, The Cambridge History of Ireland presents the Irish story – or stories – from 600 to the present. Four comprehensive volumes bring together the latest scholarship, setting Irish history within broader Atlantic, European, imperial and global contexts.


The work benefits from a strong political narrative framework, and is distinctive in including essays that address the full range of social, economic, religious, linguistic, military, cultural, artistic and gender history, and in challenging traditional chronological boundaries in a manner that offers new perspectives and insights.


Each volume examines Ireland’s development within a distinct period, and offers a complete and rounded picture of Irish life, while remaining sensitive to the unique Irish experience.


About the Editors


Thomas Bartlett has held positions at the National University of Ireland, Galway, then as Professor of Modern Irish history at University College Dublin, and most recently as Professor of Irish history at the University of Aberdeen, until his retirement in 2014. His previous publications include Ireland: A History (Cambridge, 2010). Brendan Smith is a Professor of Medieval History  at the University of Bristol. He is the author and editor of numerous books on medieval Ireland, including several collections of historical documents. Jane Ohlmeyer is Erasmus Smith’s Professor of Modern History at Trinity College, Dublin and the Director of the Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity’s research institute for advanced study in the Arts and Humanities. Since September 2015 she has also served as Chair of the Irish Research Council. Professor Ohlmeyer is the author/editor of eleven books, including Making Ireland English: The Aristocracy in Seventeenth-Century Ireland (2012). James Kelly is Professor of History at Dublin City University and President of the Irish Economic and Social History Society. His many publications include Sport in Ireland, 1600–1840 (2014), which won the special commendation prize offered by the National University of Ireland in 2016.


More information on the individual volumes


The first volume of The Cambridge History of Ireland presents the latest thinking on key aspects of the medieval Irish experience, focusing on the extent to which developments were unique to Ireland. The openness of Ireland to outside influences, and its capacity to influence the world beyond its shores, are recurring themes. Underpinning the book is a comparative, outward-looking approach that sees Ireland as an integral but exceptional component of medieval Christian Europe.


Volume Two looks at the transformative and tumultuous years between 1550 and 1730, offering fresh perspectives on the political, military, religious, social, cultural, intellectual, economic, and environmental history of early modern Ireland. As with all the volumes in the series, contributors here situate their discussions in global and comparative contexts.


The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was an era of continuity as well as change. Though properly portrayed as the era of ‘Protestant Ascendancy’, it embraces two phases – the eighteenth century when that ascendancy was at its peak; and the nineteenth century when the Protestant elite sustained a determined rear-guard defence in the face of the emergence of modern Catholic nationalism. This volume moves beyond the familiar political narrative to engage with the economy, society, population, emigration, religion, language, state formation, culture, art and architecture, and the Irish abroad


The final volume in the Cambridge History of Ireland covers the period from the 1880s to the present. This insightful interpretation on the emergence and development of Ireland during these often turbulent decades is copiously illustrated, with special features on images of the ‘Troubles’ and on Irish art and sculpture in the twentieth century.


Volume 1. 600–1550

Brendan Smith, Editor


674 Pages

Volume 2. 1550–1730

Jane Ohlmeyer, Editor


808 Pages

Volume 3. 1730–1880

James Kelly, Editor


862 Pages

Volume 4. 1880 to the Present

Thomas Bartlett, Editor


952 Pages

Each Volume

£100.00   $130.00   €116.71

Four Volume Set


2800 Pages

£350.00   $475.00   €408.49


For a full list of contributors to each volume, visit


For an author interview or more information please contact

Amy F Lee at Cambridge University Press: