Faculty Talk: Diane Lillo-Martin on Bimodal Bilingualism

Faculty Talk 2024-25. How Bimodal Bilingualism Coutners Audism and Linguicism. with Diane Lillo-Marting, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor and Head of the Department of Linguistics. March 12, 12:15pm. UCHI Conference Room, Homer Babbidge Library, 4th floor. ASL-English interpretation will be provided.

How Bimodal Bilingualism Counters Audism and Linguicism

Diane Lillo-Martin (Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, Linguistics, UConn)

Wednesday March 12, 2025, 12:15pm, Humanities Institute Conference Room (HBL 4-209)

The event will also be livestreamed with automated captioning and CART.

Register to attend virtually

Many American families with deaf and hard-of-hearing children are unaware of the potential benefits of using a bimodal bilingual approach that embraces the use of both spoken English and American Sign Language (ASL). This can exacerbate detrimental effects that may result when audism and linguicism prioritize the use of spoken language exclusively. This presentation busts some widely-held myths about sign languages, and shows the results of integrating ASL into a family’s language plan.

Diane Lillo-Martin is Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor and Head of the Department of Linguistics at UConn. Her research focuses on the acquisition of ASL and its linguistic properties.

Access note

This event will be presented with ASL interpretation and CART. If you require another accommodation to attend this event, please contact us at uchi@uconn.edu or by phone (860) 486-9057.