
Publishing NOW: Jonathan Wallace

Jonathan Wallace
Princeton University and the Brookings Institution
February 4, 2019, 4 pm

Jonathan Wallace is managing editor of the Future of Children journal, a collaboration of the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University and the Brookings Institution that reviews research about children and presents it in language accessible to a nonacademic audience. As a freelance editor, he helps some of the nation’s leading scholarly societies, think tanks, and foundations communicate their findings to policy makers, the media, and the public. He has also been the editor and writing consultant for faculty at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, Nation and World editor at the News and Observer in Raleigh, NC, assistant director of a university writing center, and, once upon a time, a historian of the Soviet Union. He hates jargon; likes cats, cycling, cooking, and fishing; and isn’t nearly as grumpy as he looks.

Publishing NOW: George Thompson

George Thompson, CLAS Publisher-in-Residence Visit to UConn,
March 12 – March 14, 2019 Contact Steph Beron ( for appointment scheduling.

George Thompson will be returning to campus February 26 – March 1, 2019 to continue the CLAS publisher-in-residence program, thanks to the support of Dean Davita Silfen Glasberg, UConn Humanities Institute, and Ken Foote of the Department of Geography.

George has visited UConn regularly since 2015.  His visits are aimed at helping colleagues with their publishing projects. George is particular good at helping faculty develop book projects, but can help with all aspects of academic publishing across a wide range of fields.

George will be available for both group and one-on-one meetings.