Author: Della Zazzera, Elizabeth

Fellow’s Talk: Erik Freeman on the Mormon International

2021-22 UCHI fellow's talk. “The Mormon International: Communitarian Politics and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1830-1890.” PhD Candidate, History, Erik Freeman, with a response by Micki McElya. October 27, 2021, 4:00pm. Homer Babbidge 4, 209.

The Mormon International: Communitarian Politics and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1830-1890

Erik Freeman (Ph.D. Candidate, History, UConn)

with a response by Micki McElya (History, UConn)

Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 4:00pm. Homer Babbidge Library, 4-209.
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The event will also be livestreamed with automated captioning.
To attend virtually, register here

“The Mormon International: Communitarian Politics and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1830-1890” examines early Mormon communitarianism within the context and development of transnational socialism by following the journey of four key European communitarian socialist figures who converted to Mormonism during the nineteenth century. Each of these converts’ story highlights a specific type of communitarian socialism from a different geographic region outside of the United States that influenced the growth and development of Mormonism. The experiences of these radical converts to Mormonism portray a political and cultural world that challenges the traditional understanding of Mormonism as a uniquely American religious tradition and international socialism as primarily a secular political ideology.

Erik Freeman is the Draper Dissertation Fellow at the University of Connecticut’s Humanities Institute and a doctoral candidate in UConn’s Department of History. He earned a B.A. in French at Brigham Young University in 2008 and an M.A. in History at Brandeis University in 2013. Since 2013, he has served as an instructor of history at Choate Rosemary Hall, in Wallingford, Connecticut, where he has taught courses on environmental history, environmental policy, American history, European history, and the American West. Erik’s article “‘True Christianity’: The Flowering and Fading of Mormonism and Romantic Socialism in Nineteenth-Century France,” won the Best Article Award at the Communal Studies Association’s annual conference in 2018, and the Best International Article Award from the Mormon Historical Association in 2019.

Micki McElya received her B.A. in history from Bryn Mawr College in 1994 and a Ph.D. from New York University in 2003. Before joining the faculty of the University of Connecticut, she was an assistant professor of American Studies at the University of Alabama (2003–2008). McElya is currently an Organization of American Historians Distinguished Lecturer. Her recently published book, The Politics of Mourning: Death and Honor in Arlington National Cemetery, was a Choice Outstanding Academic Title of 2017 and a finalist for the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction. It was a co-winner of the 2018 John Brinckerhoff Jackson Book Prize from the Foundation for Landscape Studies, winner of the inaugural Sharon Harris Book Prize from UConn’s Humanities Institute, and finalist for the 2016 Jefferson Davis Book Award from the American Civil War Museum. McElya’s first book, Clinging to Mammy, won a 2007 Outstanding Book Award from the Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights. She was named a “Top Young Historian” by the History News Network in 2008.

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2021–2022 Events

UCHI has an exciting roster of events coming up this year, detailed below. In celebration of our 20th anniversary, we’ll be hosting several events around the theme “The Future of Knowledge.” Some events will be virtual, and most in-person events will be livestreamed. Be sure to peruse our offerings and register for the events you’d like to attend virtually. Stay tuned as we announce more upcoming events!

Publishing NOW: How to Start a Series and How to Write for One

September 27, 2021


HBL, 4-209


Publishing NOW: How to Apply for a UConn Internal Grant

October 6, 2021


HBL, 4-209


Fellow’s Talk: Drew Johnson

October 13, 2021


HBL, 4-209


Fellow’s Talk: Carol Gray

October 20, 2021


HBL, 4-209


DHMS: Algorithmic Arts and Humanities at UConn

October 21, 2021


HBL, 4-209


DHMS: Jessica Johnson and Kim Gallon on Black Beyond Data

October 25, 2021




Fellow’s Talk: Erik Freeman

October 27, 2021


HBL, 4-209


Publishing NOW: Publishing about Politics after (?) Trump

November 1, 2021




Fellow’s Talk: Anna Ziering

November 3, 2021


HBL, 4-209


Dissertation Grant Writing Workshop

November 8, 2021




DHMS: Daniel Rosenberg on the History of Data and Information

November 10, 2021




Fellow’s Talk: Sarah Willen

November 10, 2021


HBL, 4-209


DHMS: Discriminating Data Book Discussion Group

November 15, 2021


HBL, 4-209


DHMS: Wendy Chun on Discriminating Data

November 18, 2021




Publishing NOW: How to Publish for the Public

December 1, 2021




Fellow’s Talk: Shiloh Whitney

December 8, 2021


HBL, 4-209


Fellow’s Talk: Meina Cai

January 26, 2022


HBL, 4-209


Publishing NOW: How to Write about Race Now

January 31, 2022


HBL, 4-209


Fellow’s Talk: Laura Mauldin

February 2, 2022


HBL, 4-209


DHMS: Anke Finger on The Digital Dissertation

February 3, 2022


HBL, 4-209


DHMS: Audrey Watters on Teaching Machines

February 17, 2022




Fellow’s Talk: Kathryn Moore

February 23, 2022


HBL, 4-209


Fellow’s Talk: Prakash Kashwan

March 2, 2022


HBL, 4-209


Fellow’s Talk: Micki McElya

March 9, 2022


HBL, 4-209


Publishing NOW: How to Work with an Academic Press

March 21, 2022


HBL, 4-209


Fellow’s Talk: Shardé Davis

March 23, 2022


HBL, 4-209


Nikole Hannah-Jones

March 30, 2022


Student Union Theater


Fellow’s Talk: Sherie Randolph

April 20, 2022


HBL, 4-209


Fellow’s Talk: Fiona Vernal

April 27, 2022


HBL, 4-209


Fellow’s Talk: Drew Johnson on Moral and Political Judgment

2021–22 UCHI Fellow's Talks. Entrenchment and Disagreement in Morality and Politics: Reason, Passion, and the Point of Moral and Political Discourse. Phd Candidate, Philosophy, Drew Johnson. With a response by Prakash Kashwan. October 13, 2021, 4:00pm, Homer Babbidge Library, 4-209

Entrenchment and Disagreement in Morality and Politics: Reason, Passion, and the Point of Moral and Political Discourse

Drew Johnson (Ph.D. Candidate, Philosophy, UConn)

with a response by Prakash Kashwan (Political Science, UConn)

Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 4:00pm. Homer Babbidge Library, 4-209.

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The event will also be livestreamed.

To attend virtually, register here

Disagreement in moral and political matters is particularly widespread and often resists easy resolution. Recent work by social epistemologists and psychologists has offered useful tools for analyzing disagreement and polarization both online and in person, by describing how general cognitive biases and heuristics, as well as the affective dimension of normative judgments, make certain moral and political beliefs resistant to rational revision through reasonable discourse. This talk discusses the affective and social aspects of moral and political judgment, how they contribute to explanations of deep disagreement and polarization, and their implications for the possibility of moral and political knowledge.

Drew Johnson is a Philosophy PhD candidate at the University of Connecticut. His dissertation project, “A Hybrid Theory of Ethical Thought and Discourse,” examines the nature and function of ethical thought and discourse. Drew has published on skepticism, deep disagreement and intellectual humility, and on self-knowledge (including co-authored work with Dorit Bar-On). During the Summer of 2019, he was the recipient of the Ruth Millikan Graduate Research Fellowship, awarded by the UConn Philosophy Department. Drew is currently a Dissertation Scholar at the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute.

Prakash Kashwan is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Co-Director of the Research Program on Economic and Social Rights, Human Rights Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs. He is the author of the widely reviewed and acclaimed book Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico (Oxford University Press, 2017) and a Co-Editor of the journal Environmental Politics. He also serves on the editorial advisory boards of Earth Systems Governance, Progress in Development Studies, Sage Open, and Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. Dr. Kashwan is a member of the global expert group for Scoping of Transformative Change Assessment by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), a member of the Academic Working Group (AWG) on International Governance of Climate Engineering (2016–18), a Senior Research Fellow of the Earth System Governance (ESG) Project, a member of the Climate Social Science Network (CSSN) established by Brown University, and an external faculty affiliate of the Ostrom Workshop. Dr. Kashwan is also the vice chair of the Environmental Studies Section of the International Studies Association (ISA). In addition to nearly two dozen scholarly publications, his research has been cited in national and international media, including the New York Times, Deutsche Welle, Huffington Post, NPR, Scientific American, and Down to Earth. Dr. Kashwan has written several influential commentaries for popular venues, such as the Conversation, the Guardian, Al-Jazeera, and the Washington Post.

If you require accommodation, including live transcription, to attend this event, please contact us at or by phone (860) 486-9057.

Publishing NOW: How to Apply for a UConn Internal Grant

Publishing NOW: How to apply for a UConn Internal Grant, Humanities-Style. with Dr. Matthew Mroz, Internal Funding Coordinator, Office of the Vice President for Research. October 6, 2021, 2:00pm. Homer Babbidge Library 4-209

Publishing NOW

How to Apply for a UConn Internal Grant, Humanities-Style

with Dr. Matthew Mroz (Internal Funding Coordinator, Office of the Vice President for Research)

October 6, 2:00pm, Homer Babbidge Library, 4–209

This event will also be livestreamed. Register to attend virtually.

Dr. Matthew Mroz is the Internal Funding and Limited Submissions Coordinator and a member of the Research Development Services team in UConn’s Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR). Dr. Mroz oversees all aspects of the OVPR’s seed grant competitions, manages the internal review and selection process for limited submission opportunities, coordinates OVPR grantwriting training programs, and generally does whatever he can to support faculty members seeking to grow their research.

He has a PhD in English Literature and Rhetoric from UConn, where he studied and taught early modern literature (particularly the work of John Milton). He also has served as Assistant Director of First-Year Writing at UConn and taught extensively in that program.

In this talk, he will give an overview of the seed grant funding available to researchers in the humanities, explore how grant funding, including internal seed grants, can enhance the productivity and impact of humanities scholars, and answer questions about the application and review process.

If you require accommodation, including live transcription, to attend this event, please contact us at or by phone (860) 486-9057.

Afghanistan and the Course of US Empire

The UConn Humanities Institute is proud to cosponsor

Afghanistan and the Course of US Empire

featuring Gilbert Achcar, Quan Tran, and Robert Vitalis in conversation with Chris Vials

September 29, 2021, 4:00–5:30pm
Via Zoom

Please join us for a discussion of Afghanistan and the state of US empire featuring Gilbert Achcar (University of London, Department of Development Studies), Quan Tran (Yale University), and Robert Vitalis (University of Pennsylvania, Political Science), moderated by Chris Vials (American Studies, UConn). The event will on zoom (see link below) on Wednesday, September 29 @ 4:00-5:30pm. It has been organized by UConn American Studies and is co-sponsored by Middle East Studies, Asian and Asian American Studies, Political Science, and the Humanities Institute.

The guests will consider a range of questions. What do recent events in Afghanistan reveal about the course of U.S. empire? What does the rapid seizure of the Afghan state by the Taliban reveal (and not reveal) about the place of the United States in the Middle East and around the world? Do recent events signal an emerging trajectory in the terms of US military, economic, and/or cultural power? What shape might the Taliban government take, and what are some implications for the people of Afghanistan? In terms of representation, what are some implications of the narrative, so widespread in US media, that “we lost” Afghanistan? How do the chaotic scenes of evacuation at the Kabul airport compare to the iconic “fall of Saigon” in 1975, and how does the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan compare to the end of the US war in Vietnam? What is to become of Afghan refugees, in comparison to refugees from earlier US wars, given the current geo-politics of immigration and asylum?

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 880 0157 4346
Passcode: uhgF6iv

Download the flyer.

20 Years of Fellows: Paul Bloomfield

As part of our 20th anniversary celebrations, we've checked in with former fellows to gather reflections on their fellowship years, to get an update on their fellowship projects, and to see what they are working on next. Read them all here.

Paul Bloomfield headshotPaul Bloomfield was a 2007–2008 UCHI faculty fellow and is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Connecticut. He is the author of Moral Reality (2001) and The Virtues of Happiness (2014), the editor of Morality and Self-Interest (2008) and the co-editor of Oxford Handbook for Moral Realism (forthcoming), all on Oxford University Press.

What was your fellowship project about?

I work in moral philosophy, broadly construed, and the subject of my UCHI project was the relation of being morally good to living well and being happy. This is, perhaps, the single guiding question of moral philosophy. I argue that all forms of immorality are inherently self-disrespecting, and that self-disrespect and happiness are mutually exclusive. So, the stripped-down argument goes like this:

  1. Morality is necessary for self-respect
  2. Self-respect is necessary for happiness
  3. Therefore, morality is necessary for happiness

What is it to be morally good? I answer this in terms of “the cardinal virtues”: courage, justice, temperance, and wisdom. I defend the view that becoming virtuous gives us everything we need to be as happy as is possible for us, given who we are and the circumstances into which we are born.

Would you give us an update on the project?

The project yielded a number of papers but, as a whole, was published as a monograph in 2014 entitled The Virtues of Happiness: A Theory of the Good Life by Oxford University Press. It has been reviewed in numerous journals and was the subject of an “Author Meets Critics” session at the 2016 American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting.

How did your fellowship year shape your project, or shape your scholarship in general?

I think what was most useful for me was the way that interacting with my fellow UCHI fellows forced me out of simply speaking to other philosophers and made me develop my views and arguments in ways that are more easily comprehensible to non-specialists. So, the book ended up having less jargon and a slower pace than it would otherwise have had.

Would you share a favorite memory from your time as a UCHI fellow?

I have always tried to keep my writing gender neutral and to avoid gendered pronouns. This is easier in philosophy than one might think, if one sticks to plural subjects (“they” or “people”), and impersonal singular pronouns when needed (“one”). When I presented my work to my fellow fellows, I was very pleased when two of them, Sharon Harris (who subsequently became the second director of UCHI) and Brenda Murphy—both of whom are Professors of English—noticed what I was up to and complimented me on my approach and my writing.

What are you working on now (or next)?

I have two major projects going right now. The first is that I am co-editing with Professor David Copp (UC Davis) The Oxford Handbook of Moral Realism. This will be a start of the art collection of views surrounding the idea that there are metaphysical facts about morality—facts about what is good and bad and right and wrong—and that morality is neither to be “eliminated” or “reduced” to emotions or attitudes or some other non-factual basis.

The other project is a monograph focusing on the cardinal virtues, which I mentioned above.

Our theme for UCHI’s 20th anniversary year is “The Future of Knowledge.” What would you say are some of the challenges facing the future of knowledge? And what do you think is most exciting or promising about the future of knowledge?

I think there are deep and important moral, social, and political implications to how “knowledge” is understood in the future. As we know, currently information and knowledge is being swamped by misinformation and conspiracy theories and, it now seems, the old idea that in the “marketplace of ideas, truth will win out” has been called into question. Unfortunately, I do not think the most promising ideas are terribly exciting. I think the solution begins with a patient search for common dialectical ground with those with whom we disagree, at least those who are open to reason. Then we will need humility to be open-minded with them and we’ll have to be mature enough to compromise in the name of peace and democratic prosperity. The frightening part is how to handle those who will not listen to reason, and there, I’m afraid, I’ve nothing close to a helpful solution: currently, I see no way to reason with people who are unreasonable.

Publishing NOW: How to Start a Series and How to Write for One

Publishing NOW: How to Start a Series and How to Write for One. With Bhakti Shringarpure and Grégory Pierrot. September 27, 2021, 4:00pm. HLB, 4-209.

Publishing NOW

How to Start a Series and How to Write for One

with Bhakti Shringarpure (English & Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies) and Grégory Pierrot (English)

September 27, 4:00pm, Homer Babbidge Library, 4–209

This event will also be livestreamed. Register to attend virtually.

Bhakti Shringapure is the editor for the new series Decolonize That! from O/R Books, as well as the editor-in-chief for Warscapes magazine. Grégory Pierrot is the author of Decolonize Hipsters, the first book published in the new series. They will talk about what it’s like to start and to write for a new series and offer tips for anyone looking to do the same.

If you require accommodation, including live transcription, to attend this event, please contact us at or by phone (860) 486-9057.

Publishing NOW 2021–2022

We have an amazing line-up of Publishing NOW events this year. Check out all of them below.

9/27 at 4:00pm: Bhakti Shringarpure and Grégory Pierrot on how to start a new book series and how to write for one.
10/6 at 2:00pm: Matthew Mroz on how to apply for a UConn internal grant, humanities-style.
11/1 at 4:00pm: Susan Herbst on publishing about politics after (?) Trump.
12/1 at 1:00pm: How to publish for the public, featuring editors from Lapham’s Quarterly, Public Books, and the Conversation.
1/31 at 4:00pm: Lewis Gordon on how to write about race now.
3/23 at 1:00pm: Leah Pennywark (University of Minnesota Press) on how to work with an academic press.

20 Years of Fellows: Alea Henle

As part of our 20th anniversary celebrations, we’ve checked in with former fellows to gather reflections on their fellowship years, to get an update on their fellowship projects, and to see what they are working on next.

Alea Henle headshotAlea Henle was a 2011–12 dissertation research scholar. A librarian and historian, she is now is Head of Access & Borrow at Miami University. She has a Masters in Library Science from Simmons College and a Ph.D. in History from the University of Connecticut. Over the past years, she’s worked in libraries from Washington, D.C. to Colorado to New Mexico and taught classes in history, librarianship, archives, and records management. Her research interests center on how decisions in libraries, archives, research centers, and commercial database providers increasingly shape the resources available–making materials paradoxically both easier and more difficult to locate.

What was your fellowship project about?
My fellowship project was my dissertation—on historical societies and historical cultures in the early United States and the ways efforts to collect and preserve materials for the writing of American history shape moden practices.

Would you give us an update on the project?
To my very great delight, the book based on the dissertation came out last year! Rescued from Oblivion: Historical Cultures in the Early United States is available from the University of Massachusetts Press, as part of the Public History in Historical Perspective series.

How did your fellowship year shape your project, or shape your scholarship in general?
The fellowship gave me time and space to think through how to organize the immense wealth of research I’d already accumulated—and the additional material that I kept coming across. I also appreciate the interactions with other fellows and their comments and suggestions—and, of course, the opportunity to learn about the wonderful projects they were working on!

Would you share a favorite memory from your time as a UCHI fellow?
I think it was at our original go-around where we discussed our research projects (or perhaps it was when a particular scholar presented) but one of the key phrases that remains with me came from another fellow’s project: a worm in a box is never just a worm in a box.

What are you working on now (or next)?
Oh, I’m working on multiple fronts at the moment. As a historian, I’ve slid into the early 20th century and am currently exploring early postcards—specifically batches of postcards that were sent to one person or individual (where possible, from the same person). I blog about this at about once a week. Then I’m also working on library scholarship (since I have a Ph.D. in history but my day-to-day job is as a librarian), with a current project focusing on valuations of library collections for insurance purposes. And in my personal time (not spare time—that’s something I don’t really have) I’ve started writing (and indie publishing) contemporary and historical fantasy. Whew!

Our theme for UCHI’s 20th anniversary year is “The Future of Knowledge.” What would you say are some of the challenges facing the future of knowledge? And what do you think is most exciting or promising about the future of knowledge? The challenges facing the future of knowledge?
Here I’m going to put on both my historian and librarian hats—these include the pervasive multiplicity of information and the fragility of many of the ever-increasing formats. Ironically, paper is much more robust a medium for historical purposes than many digital formats as the latter often require specialized software and/or technology. My original research as a fellow, after all, was about early efforts to deal with preserving information/knowledge! Then there are also the witting and unwitting discussions about sources of knowledge versus sources of information—who’s an expert and/or trustworthy and who isn’t (and what criteria is used to decide). It’s all very new—and very old.

The Political Theory Workshop Presents Inés Valdez


Labor, Nature, and Empire: Alienation and the (Post)Colonial Political Rift

Inés Valdez, Political Science and Latina/o Studies, Ohio State University,
with commentary by Taylor Tate, Philosophy, UConn
September 13th from 12:15-1:30p.m. EST on Zoom

The chapter brings together Marx’s and Luxemburg’s accounts of capital’s voraciousness for natural resources and exploitable labor with an ecological reading of W. E. B. Du Bois’s writings on empire. Valdez argues that that racism maps onto a nature/technology divide which positions technologically advanced societies as uniquely able to rule and dictate the fates of non-white peoples. This stance devalues nature and separates these societies from it and from the racialized subjects who labor the earth’s surface and its insides, whose products are appropriated by western collectives, depleting non-western ecosystems. The viability of such a structure depends on coerced or coopted political regimes of poor countries who detach themselves from their own needs to cater to western interests, i.e., a political rift that maps into the ecological rift created by global capitalism.

With generous support from the UConn Humanities Institute.

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